Thursday, October 16, 2014

Offer It Up

The daily bane of a Mom of a special needs kid is unsolicited advice. Being a stay-at-home invites it even more, because regardless of one's past educational and professional accomplishments, you now have a small brain and even less ability to feel. "As long it is your choice not to have a career."  Seriously? How do I even answer that? Anyone thinks they can put their two cents in, because, hey, they raised five kids. . . their cousin twice removed has autism. . . because they are a teacher. . . a doctor. . . a lawyer. Really? I am wrong to question the huge, double dosage of medication you are about to give my child because your hospital pharmacist is top notch? Yes my nutso friend - who saved her child's life here - is guilty of being a helicopter mom.  It is best - not to home-school to my non-verbal kid - but to pump him with drugs and send him to an inappropriate school, so he becomes resigned to living in fear among violence and abuse because that is his future as an adult?  Cool.  Now I can get my nails done instead of anxiously chewing them off as I strive to better his life!  "Your kid just doesn't want to wear a hat" is the reason for the sidewalk meltdown?!  There I go again.  Pushy Mom, forcing fashion choices on my kid! Thank you Mister!  An all-organic, gluten-free, casein-free diet would be best?  Wow!  I never ever thought of changing the food!  You think I'd benefit from counseling? What a novel idea, I'll schedule it right after my overdue dental, gynecological, and optical exams while my awesome nanny watches the home front! And hey . . . thanks for the empty advice and non-offer to babysit, I know it means you care.  "You have to be more patient and willing to repeat yourself to get him to talk."  Yes, true, his apraxia is my fault because I didn't spend enough time parenting.  Usually I can take the constant barrage in stride.  Today I had it. I was given a stern reminder that "it is about time you teach him to . . ."  My bad!  Autism and global apraxia affecting his motor skills be damned!  You really think James isn't working hard DAILY on freaking things you take for granted?!  With me and with a team of therapists?  That the reason James can't do so many things is because I haven't TAUGHT him yet?  Oh, you didn't mean it that way?  You were only trying to help?  I give up. 

Current Books 1/21/15

  • "A Drop of Blood" by Paul Showers
  • "A Kid's Guide to the American Revolution" by KidCaps
  • "Gravity is a Mystery" by Franklyn M. Branley
  • "Liberty or Death, The American Revolution: 1763-1783" by Betsy Maestro
  • "The American Revolution from A to Z" by Laura Crawford
  • "The Declaration of Independence from A to Z" by Catherine L. Osornio
  • "Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn" by Melvin Berger

Current Movies 1/21/15

  • Bob the Builder (any & all)
  • Disney's "George of the Jungle"
  • Disney's "Robin Hood"
  • Disney's Frozen
  • Entourage (all seasons, edited by Mom & Dad)
  • The Rookie
  • The School of Rock

Current Music 1/21/15

  • Another Very JD Christmas
  • Bob the Builder
  • CBS 101.1 FM (Oldies)
  • Daddy Mix 1 & 2
  • Peter, Paul and Mommy
  • School of Rock (soundtrack album)