Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stim . . . and stim some more

One of my greatest desires - besides having James use words, besides having James use the toilet - is to know what is going on in my son's mind.  I love when I overhear a toddler explaining something to his mom or dad. Sometimes it is completely illogical and wacky, and sometimes it makes startling sense.  I was lucky enough to get a peek today.
James and I were playing ball on his bed.  Of course, like most games, James eventually tries to "stim" (shorthand for self-stimulation).  You have probably seen an autistic person flapping, spinning or toe-walking.  Some line things up in a row or obsessively watch wheels spin.  James likes to flip things around.  Like balls in his lap or puzzle pieces clattering on the floor.   Of course, I try and mutate these stims into more acceptable forms.  Playing ball is great.  Add speed to the mix and you've distracted him!  Quickly dump the pieces on the floor, make that great clatter, then sweep them away and encourage him to start the puzzle.  I have always been told by therapists about the importance of "redirecting" stimming.  I think James HAS to stim.  I just have to create a balance where he doesn't zone out and prefer the stim world 24/7. So, as James began to stim with three small balls (and not throw them back to me), I decided to just ask him.  Why not - he knows what stimming is.  "James, why are you stimming?"  He smiled at me, put his hand to his chest and said "Hah-Pey."  James are you stimming because you are happy?  "Yeah," he said, nodding, "Hah-Pey!"  Wow.  Incredible, in fact!  James said a word - twice - and a new word at that! We were having a conversation.  Unfortunately this little bit of information means I have a lot more work ahead of me.  So stimming is the coping mechanism that enables James to experience situations and feelings, which is, basically, LIFE.  I wracked my brains thinking of an "acceptable" stim/release but soon began to giggle:  drinking, smoking, biting your nails, tapping your foot, drumming your fingers?  Maybe James' stims aren't the worst.  I think I have to work on the WHY he needs this stimulation. Comfort?  Confidence?  Frustration?  Inability to communicate? All of the above and more!  Yikes . . . wish me luck!

Current Books 1/21/15

  • "A Drop of Blood" by Paul Showers
  • "A Kid's Guide to the American Revolution" by KidCaps
  • "Gravity is a Mystery" by Franklyn M. Branley
  • "Liberty or Death, The American Revolution: 1763-1783" by Betsy Maestro
  • "The American Revolution from A to Z" by Laura Crawford
  • "The Declaration of Independence from A to Z" by Catherine L. Osornio
  • "Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn" by Melvin Berger

Current Movies 1/21/15

  • Bob the Builder (any & all)
  • Disney's "George of the Jungle"
  • Disney's "Robin Hood"
  • Disney's Frozen
  • Entourage (all seasons, edited by Mom & Dad)
  • The Rookie
  • The School of Rock

Current Music 1/21/15

  • Another Very JD Christmas
  • Bob the Builder
  • CBS 101.1 FM (Oldies)
  • Daddy Mix 1 & 2
  • Peter, Paul and Mommy
  • School of Rock (soundtrack album)