Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fastest Week Ever

James is so happy to be back splashing in the water.  We spent hours at our bay beach. The bulk head is a mess so the water comes right on the beach - and we love it!  Back at the house, James actually pedaled around on his tricycle/tractor!  I kept my hand loosely on his neck (he kept stopping when I let go), but he was independently moving the bike!  YAHOO!  Previously, James has pedaled, but nothing lasting or consistent.  A great step.  I hope it happens again. 
We started our hectic week with a Mother's Day gathering at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  While it's fun and a little rare to get everyone together, these events throw James for a loop.  It is impossible to get him back on track by the very next day.  As soon as we dropped James at school, we find out that the new siding and windows for the beach house  are scheduled to be installed mid-week!  So we ran back and forth, messing up James' schedule a bit more.  Thank God Grandpa is supervising for us now.  
Tuesday was the school trip to the Staten Island Children's Museum.  While James loved the bus ride, the museum was not for him.  I was a bit apprehensive when I learned the outside exhibits were closed, but I knew we were doomed when I saw the floor plan.  The entrance and the stairwell are both at the center of the building, requiring the kids had to cross back and forth in front of the doors.  For James, it was insane.  We were in one exhibit, a play area built like a ship with ship like activities and areas.  After protesting for 90% of the time, he was finally enjoying himself when it was time to move on to the next exhibit, upstairs.  Great, back to the main entrance. James either thought he was leaving or remembered he wanted to go.  That was it.  He spent the entire time in the pet and the insect exhibits looking for an exit and checking out the windows.  When we were finally moving, they take us across the damn entry hall again.  It took about 18 of the 20 minutes there to get him acclimated.  I think he only liked the final few moments because he got to sit in the cab of a fire truck. Maybe he thought it could take him OUT OF THERE. 
At home, James continued being out of sorts and super "stimmy."  He didn't know what he wanted to do.  He required a lot of direction or else he would stim 24/7.  It was so sad as I had become accustomed to letting him take the lead with activities.   He wasn't eating well.  He was having bad days at school.  He even ripped up some flowers and threw around the dirt.  Last night, we walked around the neighborhood and looked at ALL the flowers.  Reiterating that we LOOK at flowers, we SMELL flowers, but we do NOT rip up flowers.  Who knows what took.  I was just happy that he was interested in doing something different.  I have been slowly trying to break him of his deli - playground - pizzeria routine.  
Although yesterday evening was better, James' night was rough: a fitful sleep with lots of wakes.  He awoke with a low fever and a raspy cough.  Poor kid.  He was probably fighting this for days. Why do I chalk up everything up to autism?  Probably because I had a rough week myself, not only because of James and the house repairs but because, in a parking lot, a gal drove into the open door of our parked car rendering it un-drivable.  I was so concerned about getting it reported, towed and renting a replacement, that I assumed all James' antics were simply a set-back.  Uh-oh, he's awake!  I am so happy to hear him cough, it's not that deep, raspy kind anymore! 

Current Books 1/21/15

  • "A Drop of Blood" by Paul Showers
  • "A Kid's Guide to the American Revolution" by KidCaps
  • "Gravity is a Mystery" by Franklyn M. Branley
  • "Liberty or Death, The American Revolution: 1763-1783" by Betsy Maestro
  • "The American Revolution from A to Z" by Laura Crawford
  • "The Declaration of Independence from A to Z" by Catherine L. Osornio
  • "Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn" by Melvin Berger

Current Movies 1/21/15

  • Bob the Builder (any & all)
  • Disney's "George of the Jungle"
  • Disney's "Robin Hood"
  • Disney's Frozen
  • Entourage (all seasons, edited by Mom & Dad)
  • The Rookie
  • The School of Rock

Current Music 1/21/15

  • Another Very JD Christmas
  • Bob the Builder
  • CBS 101.1 FM (Oldies)
  • Daddy Mix 1 & 2
  • Peter, Paul and Mommy
  • School of Rock (soundtrack album)